At some point during life, an individual may find him or herself in the process of ending a marriage. For whatever reason, the marriage didn’t work out, and the person must now go through the divorce process, which can include child custody issues, support payments and property division. Since so many people go through divorce, experts often have common tips that almost anyone can apply during this time. A person in Virginia facing the end of a marriage may be able to use some of the popular advice.
Timing and knowledge both play keys roles during a breakup. When the two parties finally sit down to settle the affairs, there will likely be a full disclosure of the marital assets. A person could help oneself in advance by having a complete understanding of any shared financial assets, such as mortgages, bank accounts and investments. This can enable a person to have a better chance at negotiating a fair resolution to any financial questions. Timing may also affect the financial outcome of divorce, so a person may wish to wait or expedite the process depending on the circumstances.
Some individuals feel that they wish to rush into litigation. Unfortunately, by choosing this option a person could rob themselves of a cooperative divorce experience and rack up unnecessary extra bills. A person may also want to be cautious of relying on the lawyer for too much venting. Most communications with the lawyer come with an hourly fee, and it can be easy to add expenses inadvertently.
Individuals in Virginia entering the divorce process have a lot on their plates. Keeping track of the many details can get confusing and divorce is an emotional process. Many choose to rely on the legal aid of an experienced divorce attorney for help in avoiding common slip-ups.
Source:, “Confessions of a divorce lawyer“, Lisa Scherzer, Feb. 27, 2018