Most people in Virginia and across the country would likely acknowledge that raising children is an expensive endeavor. Many would likely struggle to do so on a single income. As such, courts often order parents to pay child support to ensure that a child’s basic needs are met. Failure to meet this obligation could come with serious consequences.
In fact, a man in another state has found himself facing felony charges after he reportedly failed to pay court-ordered child support for three children for over a decade. Reports indicate that he was required to pay child support after his 2006 divorce. At the time of his arrest, reports claim he owes $175,000.
However, he had not made any payments by Jan. 2007, and at that time, he was ordered to pay the money owed or face arrest. Reports indicate that he left the country without making any payments. He was arrested upon his recent return to the country after he is said to have attempted to contact one of his children. He is now being held on $50,000. Felony charges, according to one person with knowledge of the case, are rarely used in circumstances such as this.
There are many parents in many different circumstances in Virginia. Some, for example, may want nothing more than to provide for their children, including ensuring that they pay child support as required by the court. However, some people find themselves unable to meet this obligation, sometimes due to circumstances beyond their control. By taking legal action — that is, seeking a modification due to a significant change in circumstances — they could potentially avoid the serious consequences that this man is now facing.