Television shows and movies would have viewers believe that the holidays are a magical time full of family happiness and hope for the future. But the reality is that the decorating, cooking and traveling that occur during the holiday period can create a great deal of stress on families in Virginia and across the country. In fact, some studies indicate that the number of divorce filings increase in January.
One attorney specifically claims that the first two weeks after the holiday season comes to an end is one of the busiest times of the year for those who practice family law in terms of divorce filings and new clients. Internet searches tend to support this claim, with an increase in divorce-related searches happening in the first few weeks of January. The claim is further supported by a university study that demonstrates an increase in filings in January when compared to December; this increase was observed in several states.
In addition to some of the stresses created by the holiday season, some professional speculate that there are other reasons for the spike. For example, some believe that parents are committed to providing once last holiday for their children. Another reason is that the new year is often a time of reflection and a desire to take steps to create a happier future.
Regardless of the reason for a divorce or decisions regarding timing, the process can be complicated. This is often true even when both parties are committed to an amicable split. As such, many people in Virginia want an experienced professional to guide them throughout the process, ensuring that they have the necessary information to make informed decisions.