Most people now recognize the importance for children to maintain a strong relationship with their dads after a divorce. Joint custody is more common than ever, and it is now easier for dads to secure the parenting time necessary to have a prominent role in the lives of their children. Not that long ago, however, courts most often gave preference to the mothers, and it was very difficult for dads to share custody of a child.
Divorce has changed in many ways over the previous decades, which is a positive step for fathers. Most Virginia fathers want to be active parents after a divorce, and joint custody allows parents to share both physical custody and legal custody. Physical custody refers to the amount of time a parent will have with his or her kids, and legal custody refers to the right that a parent has to make important decisions for his or her child. This includes decisions related to religious upbringing, medical care, education and more.
The end of a marriage can have a negative impact on children. Parents are now more likely to recognize this and work diligently to minimize the effects that their choice will have on the youngest members of the family. This means that parents understand that shared custody is best for the kids, even if they have to set aside their own emotions and feelings to make this work.
Virginia parents who are going through divorce likely want to put the needs of the kids first. To reach an arrangement that works well for everyone, a parent may want to speak to an experienced family law attorney about how to reasonably share custody of a child. This guidance can help a person make smart choices that will work well for the entire family for years to come.