When your spouse told you that they wanted a divorce, you were fine with it. They had been very distant, and you knew that something was wrong. You felt like you knew this was coming for some time, so you weren’t surprised.
Now that the worst is past and what they want is out in the open, you have one major concern: your children. You had hoped that they might try to stick out your marriage at least until your youngest child reached their teen years. It was only another year or two before they would be able to take care of themselves after school and make it easier for two working parents to take over custody. Unfortunately, your spouse doesn’t want to wait.
As a working parent, knowing that you have to make time for custody outside your work schedule can be tough. There is no one else to rely on in your home. You can’t call your spouse at work and ask if they can take a break to pick up your child who is sick. You can’t take a break when your child is bothering you and you need some time to relax.
Having a child is a blessing, but there is nothing easy about it. Single parents have it even rougher.
Fortunately, the way you set up your custody schedule will make a big difference in how you raise your children. You can both talk about your schedules and what kind of custody arrangements would work best around your work obligations.
Remember, being a single parent doesn’t mean you can’t ask for help or rely on family. You just need to make sure that your schedule is discussed thoroughly and that you and the other parent are on the same page when it comes to third parties watching the kids.
Good communication is a key to success for parents who want to co-parent after divorce. It is highly likely that you will both have custody of your children at some point, so even though you are divorcing, you will still be in each other’s lives. Remember that the way you treat each other can impact your children, so try to be flexible and accommodating. Kids have varied needs, and you will both need to continue to rely on each other, at least a little, if you want to know that your children are well cared for.