Apparently, next to thinking about death, divorce causes people the most stress. The fact is, it doesn't have to be that way. Married couples in Virginia who decide to get divorced can do so with dignity and respect for each other. Divorce happens to many couples, and...
Month: September 2020
Divorce process myths regarding finances
As people prepare for the dissolution of a marriage in Virginia, they may immediately start to question how their finances will be handled. What will happen to the money they have spent years accumulating together, and what about their debts? Here is a look at some...
Academic cheating: When is cheating a crime?
Cheating is fairly commonplace in schools. When you think about those attending college, they may range in age anywhere from around 16 to 22. There are people younger and older as well.For the most part, teens and young adults still have some growing up to do....
Lack of cooperation can cause people to get divorced
The process of getting divorced is never simple from an emotional standpoint. This is the common thread among marital dissolutions in Virginia and elsewhere. However, the reasons why people get divorced can vary greatly from one couple to the next. A key divorce...
Advice may make dealing with divorce process easier
One of the most stressful aspects of dissolving a marriage is dealing with its emotional impacts. The emotional toll of the divorce process can be heavy even in the most seemingly amicable of situations. Fortunately, some advice might make navigating the...
Grandparents may petition for legal custody
Becoming a grandparent is an exciting moment. Many children develop special relationships with their grandparents, and enjoy spending time and keeping in touch with them. For some children, a visit to a grandparent's home feels like a special treat. Sometimes, a...