Roanoke Reckless Driving Defense Lawyer
When A Traffic Ticket Can Become A Crime
Some traffic tickets rise to the level of criminal offenses in Virginia. One example is reckless driving. If you have been charged with reckless driving, you need to treat the charge very seriously.
At Lutins & Pilgreen, PC, in Roanoke, Virginia, our attorneys defend clients throughout Southwest Virginia against criminal traffic charges such as reckless driving. We often represent college students and young drivers who are arrested on suspicion of speeding on Interstates 81, 64 and 77. We offer a initial consultation.
What Is Reckless Driving In Virginia?
There are many forms of reckless driving in Virginia. The most common is reckless driving by speeding in excess of 80 mph or more than 20 mph over the posted speed limit. Reckless driving is a class 1 misdemeanor and conviction would result in a permanent criminal record. Consequences include:
- A substantial fine
- Possible jail time
- Possible driver’s license suspension
In addition, your auto insurance rates may go up significantly.
Let Us Protect Your Driving Record And Your Future
When people receive a ticket for reckless driving, many give up and pay the ticket. However, paying the ticket is the same as pleading guilty.
In many cases, a police officer’s decision to write a ticket for reckless driving rather than a minor traffic offense is a judgment call. Our lawyers will look for holes in the state’s case. In many cases, we find procedural mistakes, such as documentation errors, that can result in a reduction of reckless driving to a less serious charge such as speeding.
Our lawyers are here to provide the intelligent and aggressive defense you need when you face serious traffic charges. Contact us online or at 540-627-5150 to speak with a lawyer.